With all things that come with building and growing you need to start from the inside, or bottom and build up.
The foundation needs to be built first. Let's take a look at a large skyscraper, the foundation on a building takes as long as five years to build. The rest of the building was completed in 1 year, with the same number of contracted hours working. The Foundation holds everything up, and MUST be solid to support the remainder of the building.
Similarly the King bamboo takes seven years to build the root system which is able to support the king bamboo as it grows final year. In fact some people say that in the final stages of growth you can actually watch it as it grows so fast!
So what can we learn from this root system and foundations that we need to build things that could support the weight? The big take away is the fact that we have to do the inner work before the outer work can be completed!
You may be asking the question “how does that have anything to do with my business?”
Well your business depends on YOU. Period. If there is no YOU, there is no "your business". If there is no "your business" then all the pieces that are associated with that do not work as well.
Build Business Bottom up!
Let's look at this from another angle. If your business doesn't have YOU, the piece of the puzzle and the rest of that building and is depending on, then the building of your business will fail.
Presently I'm a volunteer firefighter and as you can imagine, the training is vital. The main rule that we learn right from the onset of being an emergency responder is that the most important person at the emergency is ME. If there is no me, there is no help, and if there is no help then the situation will get worse instead of better.
So looking back at your business situation, if there is no YOU there is no business.
With this in mind I'm going to start a series of posts start to look at how to better take care of yourself so that YOU and your business can grow to become the best version of yourself and your business.
So to begin with what are you doing today to make it the best one of your life?
Seriously what is it that you are doing today to make yourself a better person than you were yesterday?
Are you committed to becoming the best version of yourself?
If so what is that you going to take?
Are you eating well?
No, really think about that question. Stop reading this and answer this question honestly.
What is your definition of eating well?
Does it include the same things that your parents and grandparents did? Do you think it's healthy just because your parents and grandparents did it, and because you were socialized to think that? This is such a big topic, that I am going to defer it to another posting. But I am glad that you are actively thinking about it now.
Let’s take some time to assess your present situation. What are your priorities? Here is a list in no particular order, and in no way complete for you:
family | friends | work |
spirituality | health | fitness |
connection | conversation | learning |
growing | love | peace |
meditation | playfulness | fun |
abundance | financial stability | material goods |
lifestyle | professional growth |
Rank them from 1 to 10.
Now if you are happy with your list, lets test it.
Tomorrow you have the opportunity to go with your family to an event that will never happen again. Look at your list, if your family is above your professional life, then the outcome is clear. If your professional goals are above your family in your priorities, then the outcome is also clear for you (although your family members may not agree with your choice) . Does that feel good?
I like to keep my list on my iPhone in a note that I can look at in times of important decisions.
This can then be done for your business as well. Take a look at a list of things and priorities that are important to your business. Make your list for it, and if you have important decisions to make, pull out your list. The outcome becomes simple once you relate the priorities that are important to you and your business.
With that you can start to Build your business from the Bottom Up!
Lessons from the extremes--extreme ends of the generations--Lessons from children and from grandparents.