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If the content is Queen, then what is the King?

Well quite simply Google is King of the Search Engines, and the Search Engine Results, and for us to manage well on the internet, we need to think about what it is that Google recommends.

Did you know that "spiders" or "robots" troll the internet regularly to find new and relevant data for all sites? This is how you can influence your "organic" search engine results.

How important is content?

If there were a number scale that began at 0 and went to 100, with 100 being the most important value on the scale, content would rank at 1000 as importance.

The content that you have on your site is the NUMBER ONE most important thing that you can have on your site.

If there is nothing else that you update on the site (images, video, rich media, etc) then the content in the form of words MUST be updated on a regular and consistent basis.

I know that you are saying, because this is a constant objection that I get when I am speaking to clients: " I don't know what to write about". Really? Really?

Well let's start at the beginning what business are you in? Do you have a successful client base that you draw from? If so give a have a consistent or regular set of questions that they ask you? Start writing those questions down! Now start answering those questions, one question at a time! You have the makings of a blog--period. Schedule those answers in blog format to go out once per week for the next 12 weeks. Watch your analytics while this is happening. You will notice around the fourth or fifth week that there maybe a slight spike in your activity on your site! If you continue to keep at this pace or increase your pace of blogging you might even see your traffic increase dramatically!

So what do you have to lose? Time? Customers?

If you think that you can get more clients in face to face meetings, and you have an unlimited list of people to meet with, then by all means continue to meet and sell your products. But if like most of us, you are trying to help and reach people that want help, then your best bet is to start blogging about the things that they are searching for, and helping them to find their answers on YOUR site.

If you build trust with your customers by giving them the best information in a format that they can consume WHEN they want it, you will build a client base that you may not be able to handle without expanding your business model! And that my friend, is a quality problem to have!

SO build trust, build your posts, be consistent, be regular. You have Nothing to lose.