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Of course it does!
There are many reasons why Language is important to the manner in which you communicate, and in this podcast I focus on the simple and yet effective exercise of trying to describe something for another person "AS IF" they were unable to see the object in question. This is a great way to better your communication skills, and if you employ this exercise almost every time that you are trying to explain something, then you will be able to better communicate with all of the people that you have relationships with. This includes contemporaries at your place of work, your clients/fans, and even your family. The key to communicating is to ask more questions (good ones preferably) and LISTEN to the responses. This way you can steer the conversation by asking more questions to find out where problems are, and pinpointing the cause in order to help either fix it in a one time instance, or help in finding a solution to the systemic problem that you may be uncovering!

There are some fantastic books that may be of interest to you (and me!)
No one Understands you and what to do about it!
The Power of Presence
Best Sellers List

There are many more books on the topic, and my favourite is the original by Dale Carnegie written in 1936 How to win Friends and Influence people.

If you have a favourite that you have learned from and would like to share it here, please let me know and I will post it!