Do you have your own web site? Are you on social media? Do you have questions about which social media that you should be on and which are the ones to steer clear of? This may help you if you answered yes to any of these questions. As always the answer to many of these depends on your desired outcome. We will assume here for arguments sake that your ultimate outcome is to engage with your prospect base and present client base to continue to drive revenue and brand awareness to your product or service. With this in mind you now must follow the steps to figure out where your demographic is presently gathering on the inter webs. Look at this info graphic: This is an info graphic that represents data gate red by Pew Research centre. See a similar report here. The big take-away is the fact that there are different media sites for different gatherings of social groups. You may think that you know where your target audience is, but they may be better reached through a different media source than the one that you are presently using yourself. After you have figured out which social media to use, now you need to think about the media platform that you are most fluent in. Are you a casual twitter user? A power Facebook user, or a curator of information? Do you share information that you create, or do you share information that others have created on LinkedIn? Do you share information regularly on Yelp? Which ever media platform that you are most fluent in is the one to begin your foray into using for your business. The rules for engagement are the same as what you would use that platform for on a personal level, and you already know how to use it. So keep using it, just add more value to your present client base, and your prospective clients simultaneously. But remember that if you sign up to say that you are interacting on a social media that you do not have a passion for (or someone in your business is not engaged in that media), then you may be turning off possible prospects even before they get to see your updates. Imagine if you are going a search online for a tire company, as you need to upgrade your tires on your vehicle. You are an avid Twitter user, and you find a few local businesses that sell tires, and 4 out of 5 of them say that they are on twitter, yet when you go to their twitter page you sees that 3 of those 4 companies have not tweeted since 2011. How would that make you feel? I doubt you would follow them on twitter, as you know as an avid user that they are not providing any updates, and are not engagedon this platform. So you will likely go and follow the company that actually is posting regularly and consistently on their social media platform of choice. This means in this example, the one company that is engaging and posting regularly is the 100% winner of ALL new prospects! Wouldn't that be something to work towards? The key here is to ENGAGE WHERE YOU WANT ENGAGEMENT! If you are more likely to post regularly on LinkedIn, and that is a platform that you are comfortable with, then start there. Once you get comfortable and you feel that you want to expand to other platforms, then make sure you delegate that platform to someone within your organization that is engaged on that platform, and who knows the specifics to that arena. If there is no one available and you still want to expand, then it is time to hire someone to expand that platform for you, or select a different platform. Do not go forth into a platform that you have no interest in engaging with people on at all. This can harm your business. To engage where you want engagement, it just means that you are willing to connect, foster, and build relationships with people when they are online at their convenience, and not yours! If you would like any help with this idea or others for your business, feel free to connect with us here at