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This is a post about Google ranking (aka search engine ranking), and how at the lowest level, there are some guidelines that we should all follow in order to be seen and to get more traffic. It is a lot like trying to become more popular on the web, and to do so, you must play by some simple rules that the search engines (mainly google) have put forth to allow equality in the web (except where people pay-per-click).

The three pillars of ranking are

  1. Social Proof--utilizing your own social media
  2. Relevant data--this is done through on page optimizing of keywords on your site
  3. link management--linking to other sites and back from other sites

Each of these are topics that we could effectively write a full blog post about. But let's just talk a little bit about each of them.

See also Wheel of SEO

See also What Grandparents can teach us


Social proof

Hopefully by now you are using things like Facebook or Twitter or YouTube to help get your information about your product or service out to the web. If you are not you need to stop reading this right now and you go and get yourself on some sort of social media please. Seriously go and do it. Okay so those of you that are still reading this do obviously have some sort of information on some sort of social media. So if you are using those social media correctly you are giving your fan base a great deal of information that is crucial and very helpful to them as your fans. You should also be linking from those social media back to your website. People are talking about you on those social media and that is your social proof.

Relevant data

Google is always said that unless you were putting new and relevant data up on the web at your website that your website will not be listed in Google searches. In other words if you aren't relevant to what people are searching for then Google won't reward you. It makes sense right? If I put the website up that was about Buddha bagels, and I put that up 15 years ago and I haven't changed anything on it since I first posted it, why should I be rewarded for that site that I posted that long ago? That's not how Google works. What Google does is they reward you for putting up new and relevant data on a consistent and regular basis. Let's read that again: what Google does is reward you for putting up new and relevant data on a consistent and regular basis. The reason that warrants being read twice is that it is so important and yet so many people neglect to read it. If you are posting on a regular basis and consistently then  you will start to see a greater ranking within Google. The degree to how much higher you rank depends on your consistency and your regularity. Some people think that posting once a week is it good enough to get them higher ranks, and while this is true, the people that are beating them are the people that are posting once a day. And the people that are beating the once a day postings are posting twice a day. Now you may not have the content to continue to post on a daily or twice daily basis, and that's okay. If you are to put up relevant data on a regular and consistent basis so that your readers can read it, you will see a jump in your Google rankings.

See also Take Note of Prominent Sites 

See also Content is King

Link Management

If you are posting links to other sites on your site, this is called Link management. The more sites that you linked to an that link back to you the higher your page rank is within Google. This goes back to relevancy. If you are relevant within Google and other people are quoting you as an expert, then more people want to read about your content. A good way to become an expert is to quote and comment on forums having to do with your product or service. Each time that you quote and comment, you can leave a signature that has a link to your site, and that's a back link. Google will reward you for more links that are spidered through the web.

So once you have those three pillars, you should be able to see yourself climb the rankings for search engines. If you have any questions about any of this please feel free to contact me at
