If you are interested in Online advertising, this article may have something for you. Online advertising is the art of using (viral) videos to send a message through the internet. Have you ever wondered what the ingredients for creating a viral video are?
Have you ever thought that you would like to create some videos, but are unsure how and what the content has to be?
Online Advertising
Lets take a look at some great examples, and see if we can glean the magic ingredients. A great standard is the "Trunk Monkey" series that allowed the car dealership "Suburban Auto Group" achieve some new notoriety with this online advertising campaign. If you haven't seen it, you are welcome to visit their site and see the embedded player for the latest ads: http://www.suburbanautogroup.com/
Here is their history
In January of 2000 Sean from Trunkmonkey Racing created the Trunkmonkey concept as a mascot for his race team and the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club:
In January of 2003 R/West started creating a series of advertisements for Suburban Auto Group that appear to be based on Sean's Trunkmonkey concept. Check out the official Trunkmonkey Web site for the Trunkmonkey FAQ:
Here is their online advertising:
This is a funny video, which is believable, mainly because we have all seen someone like this (almost) and the final line is very funny. This video is among a total of 50 videos. It has had close to 820 thousand views in 7days since it was posted. The other 49 videos combined are close in views to half of what this one is getting (but the beauty of a viral video is that there is an increase in the number of views to all of your other videos too). Why the difference? Mainly the other product videos are just shooting to a target audience, and focusing on them. This video was meant to become viral and go to all people, and bring them closer to their product.
So what are the key pieces here to these videos?
1. Funny
2. Almost believable
3. Not sell any one product, but instead show a line of products- many different types of cars, and all Lululemon athletica
Do you think that you can make a viral video? Can you prepare your own Online Advertising campaign?
Lets hear some of your ideas! I know that I want to make some funny videos too!