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Many people today subscribe the idea of " if you build it they will come" when considering the websites. This statement is hardly true. The reason for his that Google change is their algorithm at least once a day most days two times, as a result their SERPS or search engine results pages, change everyday too!

Recently I was speaking to a woman who believed that her website was on page 1 of the SERP, so I asked her if  we could check. The result we found was her site was actually on  Page 4 of the SERP, for the queries that we made. I think that she was shocked. She truly believed that her site would be on page one for each of the search queries that we made. The moral of that story is that if you think that your site is on page 1 of the SERP, you better check it from somebody else's computer.

The reason it's different on every else's computer is because each person will search in a different way than everybody else. As results the algorithms that Google has created tracks what you search and how you search, in order to deliver to you what they believe are the most relevant results for your search queries. So if you search and click on a page that is related to haircuts for example, then perhaps when you search for hair stylist, that same result that you clicked on will find its way to closer to the top for you (because you have visited that site before) than for someone making a brand new search for that topic.

The reason that Google does this is to help individuals find what it is that they are looking for in the most efficient way possible (because they have tracked your previous behaviour). The PROBLEM with this is that it skews what you are looking at when you are searching for something on a regular basis. Keep this in mind the next time you search on the big search engines.

Back to the idea of "If you build it, They will come". Having a presence on the web is important, it's true. But if you were to place a billboard on a deserted highway, would you be spending your advertising dollars effectively? Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 12.56.59 PMWouldn't you want your advertising to be on the busiest street right at the busiest intersection where the longest lights in the country allow for the MOST eyes to find your phone number or location? YES or YES? Exactly, so to that end you need to be continually updating your site so that people who are interested in your product or service CAN find you. What is the best way to do this?

Write articles (blog posts) so that  you are answering the most popular questions that everyone asks about your product or service.

How often should you be writing these posts? Well that depends on your particular situation. In a perfect world you would be writing it everyday, three to five articles per day. For most people and business models that is not viable, however. So to those people that cannot afford to write that often, they should


The other question is how often should I write, or how consistent do I need to be? Well the answer to that is simple. Be as consistent and scheduled as you can be. The golden egg would be every day at an exact time, but if you are planning on posting once a week, be sure that it is consistently on the same day at the same time. Google will reward for this consistency by ranking these articles better than someone who writes sporadically.

There are many other options that could be written about here, but I have to spread this information out so that it is consistent and regular:) Please check this article for more information, or email us here: email