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What Do These Industries Have In Common?

  1. Train/Locomotive
  2. Newspaper/Publishing
  3. Manufacturing

They all missed a massive shift in their industry and rather than capitalize on it...they were crushed by it. For the train and railway lines, cars and trucks came along. For mainland manufacturing, offshore manufacturers and developing countries did it cheaper and better. Finally, for the Newspaper and Print media-the Internet and electronic readers are available on almost any device now. How did that happen? Weren’t they aware of the competition that was out there at the time that they were crushed by them? Didn’t they have the tools to change? The answer to both of these questions is YES, but they lacked the most important ingredient in any business-Foresight. They could not see that things were changing, even when the signs all pointed to the newer business models. They were adverse to change, and change ended up wiping them out.

It can happen to You too, if you’re depending on old media. If you’re currently using the newspaper, yellow pages, postcards, or space ads for run the risk of being crushed by your competition that is already online, and utilizing the tools that are available to get to their prospects quickly and efficiently.

I’m here to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.


Old Media Doesn’t Work As Well As It Used To...

Your customers, young and old are using new media to decide whom they are going to do business with...and right now that choice may not be you.

Did you know that there are more than 26 BILLION online videos viewed per month in North America? Online video is more than 60% of all internet traffic.  Youtube is the number two search engine behind Google. Did you also know that there are four times as many mobile phone users as internet users?  Did you further know that Mobile traffic has a six TIMES HIGHER purchase intent than online traffic alone? Right now there are (the most conservative findings) 33% of phones use high speed data services and that the most used mobile devices are “smartphones” like the iPhone, Blackberry and Android. This means that if you are not presenting a version of your site that is accessible to these devices, you run the risk of blocking that whole sector of business. Do you have a mobile media campaign running? Here are two interesting facts that may help you to understand the gravity of what you are reading right now. Mobile advertising has a 10 TIMES HIGHER click through rate than online advertising. Mobile advertising has 8 TIMES HIGHER brand awareness. This means that if you have a campaign online, and you have it before your competitor does, that you are 10 times more likely to have someone click through to your site on their mobile device, than your competitors campaign on a computer alone. You are 8 times more likely to be remembered after your ad has been viewed on a mobile device than your competitors ad for the computer alone.

But the question arises does this work locally for any business, and the answer is YES! Are you aware that more than 30% of ALL internet searches are local and include the location in the search? Even non-local search includes local data as all search engines will geo-locate to include a region around your search terms.  So if you are not at the top of the search engine, and have no plans to be for your business, then you can plan on being displaced in your business by someone else that is already doing online advertising and marketing for search engines. We all know that it takes years to build a good relationship with a client and seconds to lose them to a competitor. I’m going to show you how to capitalize on all the new media we just discussed for less than you’d spend on a paltry, text- only, yellow pages ad in a book someone is using to prop up a table. And the crazy part is that you can do this month, after month, after month, after month...until your competition begs for mercy.


There are 5 Marketing strategies that can be utilized to create an effective campaign.

  1. Short videos and articles
  2. Lead capture campaign
  3. Follow-Up campaign
  4. Local search directory visibility
  5. Targeted Internet Ads

And there are  5 More to ensure market domination:

  1. Video Blog
  2. Podcasting
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter
  5. Smartphone Applications

This is where we can help you by taking the burden of the online strategy from you, and help you do what you love to do most: Help your client base! We will establish all the New Media accounts as well as produce short videos and distribute them to over 100 places online. We can setup online lead capture mechanisms and create automatic followup, to help  make money while you sleep. We can get you listed in all local search directories, and help you by setting up and running a full New Media advertising campaign. The Cool thing is that we ONLY Do It FOR YOU!

That’s right, we will only contract with one business in your category in your marketplace as long as we are working together.