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There are times of the year, and perhaps now is a good time for you or your company to sit down and revisit what it is that your website is meant to do?

There are many outcomes and many ways of getting to your goals, so identifying them early and re-adjusting your plan as you go becomes critical in your path to success.

Is your site a resource for your clients to find ALL the answers that they need for your subject matter? if it is, be sure that you are adding new and relevant information to the site on a consistent and timely manner. This will help you to garner traffic and will help the people who need the information that is critical to them to see your product or service. This is a great way to help your clients realize that they will likely need your product or service (although if they do not stay, and choose to either do it themselves, or find someone else in your category to help them---it still helps you to have that traffic come to your site regularly).

See also Engage where you want engagement 

Is your site a method of tracking and capturing leads that you may put into your funnel for later marketing? If this is the case, then you will want to have a consistent and sigular method of doing so. There are many options available to you here, and some that I recommend are Mailchimp, Constant Contact and iContact. If you want to know which is best for you and your situation, then do a little comparative shopping to find out. Each of these tools will help you to create lists, and put your contacts onto mailers that can be set up to consistently auto respond to your list. This is an effective way to market and increase your funnel if that is what your site is mainly set up for.

See also Your planning phase for SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Is your site simply a billboard that you want to create solely to look more professional? If this is the case, then be sure that you do make it look professional, and be sure to revisit it and your outcomes on a regular basis. Sometimes our goals change, and we need to be flexible enough to change our plans along the way to accommodate those changes.

Getu2thetop Goals and outcomes

What ever your outcome is, it is always a great idea to revisit it on a regular basis and gauge how you are doing. So please do a little inside looking at your own website, and tell us how you are doing with your plans! We would love to hear from you especially if you are doing all the things right!

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