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This is a topic that I get asked about a lot, or rather this is a topic that creates the most push back to my line of business.

" I don't know what to post about"

I have tried suggesting the standard questions:

"What are the top ten questions that you are being asked on a weekly or daily basis about your product or service?" Use those...or

"What are the top ten "should be asked" questions that you could answer about your product or service?" Use those...or

"What were you asked at your last meeting that seems simple to you, but many people need to know?" Use those...or

"Write down all the questions that you get asked during a single week and answer those for the next few weeks on your blog, and on your social media." Use those...

Still, even after I give these suggestions to people, I can tell that they want someone else to do the work for them. Well I have found a simple option. Simply get yourself a "ghostwriter" or rather a "content creator" that can write on your behalf. This will help you by freeing you up to do the things that you truly love to do, and let others do what they like to do.

I have a couple of contacts that I think may be helpful in the realm of content creator:


And there are plenty more out there if you care to look! Just research for Article writer, or content creation. I have used the top one, and I can say the second one is run by an acquaintance of mine. What ever way that you decide to go, just do something, and get your content onto your site!

Stop Procrastinating and get it out there!