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We have all heard the saying "What you focus on expands". This is based on one of the truly fundamental qualities of our minds. If we focus on one thing for long enough, we can see things that are around us that are linked to the thing that we are focused on.

An example of this is when we get a new product of some kind, and then shortly after our purchase we notice that the product that we bought is all around us. An illustration would be that for example you were in the market for a new car. You finally decided on the Volvo XC 70 (put what ever car in there that you decided upon) the day that you drive it home, you notice at least 15 of them in the surrounding neighbourhood! Were these cars there just the day before? Did they just magically appear because you decided to buy that product? No. The truth is that they were there, and that your mind recognizes ALL of the similar vehicles to the one that you decided upon. In essence what you focussed on, expanded to include your whole neighbourhood.

This same thing can happen when you focus long enough and with enough laser-like intention for your business. IF you were to want to build your business and you focussed every day on that goal with laser like intensity, then your business would have no choice but to grow.
If you were to focus on the bad things that are happening with your business, then you are mind is having the laser like intensity of sabotaging your business. This happens everyday to many of us all over the world. don't let the focus of your mind wander to settle on the bad things in your business. That is not to say that you should not do a regular check on your business to make sure that you are going in the direction that you intend, it just means that you should not DWELL on the bad things to the point of sabotage.

The same holds true for your home and personal life. If you are focussed on being a great parent, and your actions reflect your thoughts, then you will become a great parent (by whatever standards that you have created for yourself).
If you focus on the bad aspects of a relationship, then that portion of the relationship will get ...WORSE. Remember that you want to focus on what you want to be better, so if there is an aspect of a relationship that is not where you want it, focus on the part that you DO want, and notice that it will get better!

Remember what we focus our minds on will expand in ALL parts of our lives, so balance is something that we need to pay attention to regularly. I know from personal experience that balance is hard to achieve, but like a journey, it may not be the destination that is important, but rather the process that gets you towards the goal!