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Explanation Podcast

Here is an explanation video that shows what our podcast is going to look like going forward. "Success leaves clues" says Tony Robbins, and if we emulate the practises of those that are successful, we may find success in our own endeavours. For this reason during this...

Balancing your life

I stumbled upon this on my hard drive recently while I was cleaning it up after a massive loss of data, and in trying to re-locate all of the important documents and files, this showed up: It is an excerpt from a blog post on Kris Carr's site: 5 Steps to Living...
Embrace ‘LAZY’

Embrace ‘LAZY’

I was asked by my life coach if I could embrace laziness as a way of my life. I had a hard time understanding what that meant because whenever I go to the beach or whenever I go out I typically don't like to sit still. Then I recognized that there's certain aspects of...