by GetU2TheTop | Jun 14, 2013 | Community, Critical Insight, Information, Slider
Recently I had a telephone call with prospective client and he let me know that he 'doesn't give a flying fadiddle' about Internet presence--in fact he wishes it would go away! I would have to say that he in NOT involved in the "Journey to your best business"! ...
by GetU2TheTop | Sep 15, 2011 | Critical Insight, Information
Here is a video to explain a great way to help you organize your Social media:
by GetU2TheTop | Aug 23, 2011 | Critical Insight, Information
There is a lot to be said about making certain that you get the most out of your time. These days people are trying to get organized, but the system that used to work doesn't fit their lifestyle anymore. Or the system that used to work is no longer valid, as some of...
by GetU2TheTop | Aug 9, 2011 | Critical Insight, Information
Funny that many websites these days are using the WordPress template, and they are being rewarded within the Search Engines for their choice. Take a look at who it is that are using WordPress: Did you think before you clicked on...
by GetU2TheTop | Aug 8, 2011 | Community, Fun, Information
There is an old blog about how people interact with blogs. If you have read it, it goes over the fact that the RSS feeds will not allow the enduser to see the comments that are added...
by GetU2TheTop | Jul 24, 2011 | Community, Critical Insight, Information
Watch this video, and think about what is is that you want for your online presence. By this we are referring to "how your customers are finding you online" (if they are), and what do they see that competes with you?